Turkey Tail Spagyric
Turkey Tail Spagyric
Turkey Tail Spagyric
Turkey Tail Spagyric
Turkey Tail Spagyric

Turkey Tail Spagyric

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Turkey Tail Spagyric (Trametes versicolor) in 50mL lightproof anti-drip infinity bottle

15 drops, 2-3x per day

Turkey tail is one of the most commonly occurring mushrooms in the forests of North America. With such a wide array of color and texture displays, it’s no wonder this polypore’s identity often eludes the casual observer. With 2 main forms of fruit bodies, you can find this mushroom both “concheate” (shell-like and stacked) or “resupinate” (wrapping and clinging). The texture on the topside of these fruits can be anywhere from non-descript to a dramatically fuzzy mycoscape. But to really top things off… these showy, brilliant, and ubiquitous mushrooms, which are probably helping to decay a stump in your backyard right now, contain a wealth of natural products.

 Best known for its anti-cancer claims, these bracket mushrooms are chock full of protein-bound molecules known as polysaccharide K (PSK) and polysaccharide P (PSP) that are soluble in water. Studies into this mushroom are ongoing, including a $5.4 million prostate cancer study done through Bastyr University and the National Institutes of Health.* Extracts from turkey tail mushrooms have been shown to reduce inflammation, fight viral infections such as herpes and hepatitis, reduce the growth of tumors and prevent new ones from forming.* Additional studies have shown that when taken before or after treatment, turkey tail can lessen the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation in cancer patients.*

In addition to the potential immune benefits, this little powerhouse also contains ergosterol, a pro-vitamin potentially becoming D2 once a little UV light is added. Ergosterol is also a basic building block for hormone production. Ergosterol peroxide has been shown in cellular trials to be immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, trypanocidal, and antitumor. Betulinic acid, also present in these mushrooms has anti-retroviral, anti-malarial, and anti-inflammatory potentials. Betulin, an anti-tumor agent, has been shown in studies to play a role in the regulation of cholesterol, blood glucose, and weight loss.

We truly believe our process of mushroom spagyric creation is special, including the painstaking attention to detail and high level of discipline and patience that is required. It takes a lot of time, financial resource, and physical work to produce a single batch of spagyric extract. The level of dedication within those selflessly practicing these arts is a beautiful thing to behold. The spagyric process is rooted in some of the oldest forms of transmutation practiced by mankind. The people who see the purpose behind this type of slow medicine are as special as the spagyrics themselves. With a keen eye on the mind, the stars, and the flask we forge on in faith of obtaining a greater wellness through these operations. For a brief description what a spagyric is, how we make ours, and why, please see our 'Spagyrics' tab. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.